Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This section of the IWBLabs portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.

Policy Makers

This guideline provides the policy makers with specific suggestion on how to assess the impact of international and virtual internships. The guideline covers topic such as: creation of an observatory to trace the quality of work based learning approaches; promoting of international and virtual internships.
Table of Contents
4.3 A Clear and Transparent Regulatory Framework for Internships
4.3.3 Regulatory Specifics for Virtual Internships

Virtual internships are in line with global trends like using of information and communications technology and digitalisation. Virtual internship can be used mainly for activities, where interns or trainees do not need to exercise some physical operation. Virtual internships often involve working on research projects or activities with social media, for which only a PC and Internet connection are needed. They can be applied in global companies and virtual work forces labouring from afar. Traditional companies can find in interns the youthful know-how to manage YouTube or other social media account. In many ways, it is more productive than working in an office and the costs are much lower.

Important points from policy makers point of view:

  • Virtual internship does not contain any travelling and accommodation. Travel expenses and insurance will not be covered.

  • In case, internship is not paid, in most cases social insurance and health care insurance is also not paid.

  • Many times, when performing an internship, interns must be insured for liability for the duration of the internship (can be covered by host company).

  • Issue of works safety is mostly irrelevant.

  • Agreement with company is necessary, but it can be concluded by some virtual way.

  • If intern will produce anything, which is usable for the company, question of paying is very important.

  • Additional important issue – virtual safety, safety of provided data, especially personal data should be regulated by responsible authority, to avoid, or prevent virtual crimes.

Policy or decision makers on European, national (regional) level have to consider, which elements have to be regulated. All aspects have to be part of agreement between company and intern or school but responsibilities needs to be defined on upper level.

Online Resource

Virtual internships
Story about virtual internship

HUM general internship regulation
Internship regulation – guideline for students

Virtual internship employer playbook
Guidelines for employers about virtual internships.

Become a Virtual Intern with the Sustainable Event Alliance
Case - sustainable event alliance offers possibility to be an virtual intern

Virtual international internships
European association for international education provides space for bloggers, this blog is about “How to make virtual international internship a success.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.