This section of the IWBLabs portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.
The final conference, entitled "Internationalization and Work Based Learning in the Agribusiness Sector", was an event organised in Teramo (Italy) on 19 October 2018. It gathered more than 50 participants including partners, speakers, teachers, students, company representatives and policy makers.
The fourth meeting took place in Teramo (IT), 18 October 2018. Miriam Tullii and Lorenzo Martellini conducted the meeting and all partners contributed with the presentation of the activities carried out at national level for the population of the virtual platform. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to make a detailed planning of the project future activities and to organize the project's work that focuses on the further promotion of the virtual platform and on the assessment of the results achieved.
The event took place in Kosice, Slovakia. The event was attended by 25 participants. Main topic of the seminar was improvement of the communication and cooperation of schools and business. Project was presented in detail – all 3 intellectual outputs, especially participation of schools and companies in the platform for international placements. Representatives of national organisation for vocational education and training and Slovak business agency have presented their activities in dual education and support of start-ups. Union of employers has presented their activities in the area of cooperation of schools and companies.
The event took place in Sant’Atto, Teramo, Italy. The event were attended by both company managers and VET trainer, overall there were 22 people. There were two VET Trainer, from the University of Teramo, but some of the company managers came from Manpower, a multinational staffing firm which beside recruitment does also training activity. Therefore the assembly was constituted for the most part by company managers, who belong to very different companies by type of activity and size.
The event took place in Jelgava on 27 April 2018 and was attended by both company managers and VET trainer, overall there were 22 people. There were two VET Trainers, from the University of Teramo, but some of the company managers came from Manpower, a multinational staffing firm which beside recruitment does also training activity. Therefore the assembly was constituted for the most part by company managers, who belong to very different companies by type of activity and size.
The event took place in Zaragoza, Spain. 21 participants, both VET providers and representatives of SMEs, attend the focus group organised by CEOE Aragon the 11th April 2018 at CEOE Aragon premises. Mr. Jorge Alonso made an introduction of the project and its objectives, and then he started to explain the 3 IOs in more detailed, while answering some questions from participants.
The on line platform for the organisation and management of virtual internships is available on the project portal. The platform contains the profiles of companies representing the agribusiness sector willing to host virtual internships and the profiles of students that are interested to carry out their placement at international level through a virtual internship experience.
The third meeting took place in Zaragoza (ES), 1-2 February 2018. Jorge Alonso from CEOE Aragón (ES) welcomes all the project partners to Zaragoza (ES) and thanks them for coming at the meeting. He starts with some practical information about facilities of the meeting room, social events accompanying the partners meeting and suggestions to enjoy partners’ stay in Spain. Lorenzo Martellini from Pixel (IT) explains the meeting folder. The meeting agenda is introduced and adopted by all partners.
The guideline for Policy Makers provides the policy makers with specific suggestion on how to assess the impact of international and virtual internships. The guideline covers topic such as: creation of an observatory to trace the quality of work based learning approaches; promoting of international and virtual internships.
The guideline for Companies provides the companies with specific suggestion on how to host internships. The guideline covers topic such as: creation of fruitful cooperation with VET institutions; organisation and tutoring of the internship.
The guideline for VET Institution provides the VET directors, administrative staff and trainers with specific suggestion on how to organise internships. The guideline covers topic such as: assessment, validation and certification of competences, skills and knowledge; planning, managing and monitoring of an internship; creation of fruitful cooperation with companies.
The guideline for students provides VET students with specific suggestions on how to participate in internships. It is advisable that VET trainers analyse the contents together with the students since the first steps of the organisation of the internship. The guideline covers topic such as: selection of the company; writing of the CV; behaviour rules in a company.
The second meeting took place in Jelgava (LV) on 10 – 11 July 2017. Miriam Tullii and Lorenzo Martellini conducted the meeting and all partners contributed with the presentation of the activities carried out at national level for the creation of the video lessons and success stories. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to make a detailed planning of the project future activities and to organize the project's work that focuses on the realization of guidelines for virtual internships.
A number of associated partners officially joined the project in order to contribute to the improvement of the project impact on their target groups and to ensure the project sustainability by continuing using the project deliverables in the next years. They include no profit associations, NGOs, training institutions, universities, public authorities, etc. The information about all associated partners is available on the project portal under the Associated Partners section.
Several educational web sites promoted the IWBLabs project through a dedicated link. The complete list of web sites promoting the IWBLabs Portal is available in the section Press Review.
The first group of video-lessons on management and marketing in the sector of agribusiness companies. The video lessons are organized in thematic areas so as to be used by VET trainers to enrich their classroom activities with specific knowledge, competences and skills coming directly from the labour market.
The first group of interviews with successful entrepreneurs ad companies’ managers in the field of agribusiness is available. These videos will support VET students’ motivation as they aim to underline the consistency between their educational pathway and the needs of the labour market.
The project partners are currently creating the network of companies interested in promoting Work-based learning (WBL) for the agribusiness sector. The companies contribute to the creation and testing of all the intellectual output. Do not hesitate to contact them!
The project partners are currently creating the network of schools interested in promoting Work-based learning (WBL) in the agribusiness sector. Several schools have already been involved from four countries. Teachers and counsellors will work together with the project partners in order to develop synergies between school and labour market. Do not hesitate to contact them!
The Kick-off meeting took place in Florence on 15 – 16 December 2016. Miriam Tullii and Lorenzo Martellini presented the project and the activities to be carried out to the partners. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners to get to know each other and to discuss all details related to the project's activities. The partners presented the companies involved in their countries. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation, the financial rules and the next activity which is the production of video lessons on the agribusiness management.
The IWB-Labs project focus on the agribusiness sector and, with the purpose to increase students’ motivation, proposes the application of a Work-based learning (WBL) approach. The students will carry out virtual work experience s where they can apply, in a real work environment, the skills learnt at school. The work experience, which will be carried out at transnational level, will take the form of a virtual internship carried out at distance.