Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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VET Institutions

This guideline provides the VET directors, administrative staff and trainers with specific suggestion on how to organise internships. The guideline covers topic such as: assessment, validation and certification of competences, skills and knowledge; planning, managing and monitoring of an internship; creation of fruitful cooperation with companies.
Table of Contents
2.1 Introduction
2.1.3 The Selection of the Interns

To carry out an internship, whether real or virtual, it is necessary to identify the possible target groups.

The training internship, whether curricular or extracurricular, is set up for the participants as vocational training and aims to create a link between training and acquisition of professional skills that can be spent in the labor market. Who can do an internship? There is no age limit within which a candidate can carry out an internship in the company. However, the deadline for the trainee’s course of study shall be written.

Candidates can be:

  • Students of technical and professional institutes;

  • Young apprentices;

  • Neo-graduates (within one year of the acquisition of the title);

  • Students of vocational training centers.

Traditionally, when we think of an international internship, we refer to the Erasmus program + VET mobility program, i.e. the European Commission program that supports internship experiences in other countries, and they are intended for apprentices, students of technical and vocational schools, students of training centres professional, newly qualified, no later than one year after the acquisition of the degree. The international internship experience for these participants consists of a period of training and / or work experience carried out at a company or training institute of another country participating in the Program, or on the move, which includes learning modalities. In work contexts.

The innovative element that is the object of our analysis is therefore the realization of an internship in a virtual and international way and therefore the relative innovations in the selection procedures of the trainee. The selection will consist in identifying the profile of the recipient suitable for that of the company in terms of skills and knowledge required with respect to the company needs and the expected development of the same.

If the internship consists of an internship that gives the right to a contribution such as in the Erasmus + program, it is mandatory to issue a Notice of selection by the Vet Institution that will award the internship with the relevant grant in respect of a ranking of merit, the following selection criteria can be used:

  • evaluation of the Cv and / or of the average, achieved for each module carried out during the course;

  • previous training or internship experiences;

  • linguistic knowledge documented by specific certificates

The selection can be made through the use of special computer platforms in which the CVs of the candidates will be registered by the Vet Institution and the profiles of the companies participating in the initiative and often affiliated with the Vet Institution because available to host a trainee.

The candidate of a virtual and international internship will be the one who, in addition to respecting the alleys set by appropriate regulations whether European, National or Regional (e.g. within a year from graduation / diploma etc.), will have the appropriate IT and linguistic skills to allow the carrying out the internship, having good skills with modern communication tools and a good organizational capacity of the work that will be carried out remotely and independently but with the obligation to correspond to the expectations and indications of the company where it was activated the same internship.

Online Resource

Scholarships for internships abroad – open call
Requirements for applying for a scholarship to carry out an experience abroad.

Opportunity for mobility abroad
Eures FVG, the regional service for search for or offer a job abroad, it offers different work and internship opportunities in Europe.

Operative Tools

Notice to apply for a virtual internship
Are you a young person or student searching for new challenges, willing to learn something new in a fun way, discover more about yourself and make new friends? What if all of this could happen in France and you could get paid for it?

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.