Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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VET Institutions

This guideline provides the VET directors, administrative staff and trainers with specific suggestion on how to organise internships. The guideline covers topic such as: assessment, validation and certification of competences, skills and knowledge; planning, managing and monitoring of an internship; creation of fruitful cooperation with companies.
Table of Contents
2.3 The Virtual Tutor
2.3.5 How to Professionalise the role of virtual tutor

Through accredited bodies, such as Regions, competent Authorities and training bodies, it is possible to professionalize the role of virtual tutor.

For virtual tutors who have gained at least 6 months of experience in the field of tutoring, they can take an exam for qualification at accredited bodies that allow to recognize the activity of tutor as a title that can be spent both in that working context but also outside, through enrolment in a specific register from which can draw schools, companies that need virtual tutors.

The selection board will make sure that the candidate applying for the title will have the ideal characteristics to perform that role through, in addition to others to the resolution of a practical case also of other questions with the aim of highlighting professional technical skills.

Once passed the exam, the virtual tutor is entered in the Professional Register, a register as a useful tool consisting of two sections:

an open and accessible to all, in which the data and curriculum vitae are uploaded only by the virtual tutor and the other special one accessible under certain conditions, which contains not only the data of the virtual but also sensitive data concerning the companies: activity carried out, turnover, net worth, website, training projects for each company with the names of the trainees and the school of origin.

Through the consultation of this register, both companies and training schools can choose in an appropriate and simple way the figure of virtual tutor best suited to their needs, even from a simple reading of the curriculum vitae of virtual tutors or by consulting the part containing sensitive data, it is possible to choose the tutor in a much more complete and direct way.

The virtual tutor becomes a profession recognized at national level, a central figure in the internships, possessing adequate professional skills to support the student in his or her training path, facilitating their integration into the work environment and supporting the young person in the work environment. Performance of the activities. Performance of the activities.

Online Resource

Competence Based Tutoring Online - Springer Link
The paper suggests crossing global e-learning models with specific ones so as to determine their possible correlation in order to infer online tutor competence profiles.

The roles of e-learning facilitators
The project has done a survey of the roles of e-learning facilitators and the skills needed to perform the related tasks.

Operative Tools

Virtual conferencing as a tool for the development of pedagogical competence for vocational educators
Reports on how the implementation of competence-based approaches to vocational education and training.


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.