Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This guideline provides VET students with specific suggestions on how to participate in internships. It is advisable that VET trainers analyse the contents together with the students since the first steps of the organisation of the internship. The guideline covers topic such as: selection of the company; writing of the CV; behaviour rules in a company.
Table of Contents
1.2 Curriculum Vitae
1.2.2 How to Write an Appropriate Motivation/ Cover Letter

What is the difference between a motivation and a cover letter?

The motivation letter is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as your curriculum vitae. It is usually used when applying for something e.g. for acceptance to a university, to a student programme, to a non-profit organization for voluntary work etc. You have to explain why you are interested in the specific activity, your motives, why you want to study or attend the programme, why you choose the specific university or programme etc.

The cover letter is used when you apply for a job. It is a document by which you introduce yourself to the employer and express your interest in the job vacancy. You send both a cover letter and your detailed CV. In the cover letter, you must state clearly the position you are applying for and explain why your profile matches the position. To put it simply, it must answer the question ‘’Why you?’’

The cover letter should highlight you relevant skills and experience relative to the position. Take the chance to say things that cannot be expressed through your CV.

There are generally three types of cover letters:

  • The application letter – which is in response to a published job opening;
  • The prospecting letter – which inquires about a possible position in a company;
  • The networking letter – this letter is asking for assistance in your job search from a contact you were given.

The main purpose of a cover /motivation letter is to show that you are the most suitable candidate for the given position. A motivation letter/ cover letter is your “First Impression”.

Which cover letter template to choose? You can start with any template since once you start writing, the design of the template can be easily switched from the menu.

Online Resource

What is a Motivation Letter
Online article explains differences between a motivation and cover letter.

What do recruiters look for in a cover letter?
Online article that presents how recruiters assess cover letters.

Operative Tools

Online Editor
Letter designs and samples of different categories are given. Cover letters can be created and edited online.

Cover letter
Online cover letter samples can be studied through this tool.

Cover letter builder
Cover letters can be created and downloaded with the help of this tool.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.