This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
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A collection of interviews with successful entrepreneurs ad companies’ manager in the field of agribusiness. These videos will support VET students’ motivation as they aim to underline the consistency between their educational pathway and the needs of the labour market.
Typical food: an Italian company
Name of the company manager
Silvia D'Alessandro
Name of the Company
San Tommaso
Economic Sector
Typical food
Main Contents of the Interview
Silvia D’Alessandro showed his business experience in San Tommaso company; this company sell typical food from Abruzzo. In fact, it was founded with the aim of recovering the old regional recipes, with the collaboration of the cooks of Villa Santa Maria, a famous school in Abruzzo. San Tommaso offers a wide range of regional products, such as for example fresh and dried pasta, sauces and pates, meats and cheeses, cakes and preserves, typical as saffron, truffles and spicy oils. Silvia highlighted the role of human relationship to work in this field: is very important for a young to be able to create connection with other person, both if you work with suppliers or with customers.
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.