This section of the IWBLabs portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.
Scheduling is maybe the hardest part of an online internship, because when the intern does not have a specific timetable, making an appointment could be a bit complicated; moreover, if she/he is still studying or working at the same time. Organization is crucial for the company and the intern with a schedule that can suit both. However, even with the difficulties reported, the virtual internship represents for many students an opportunity to get the need to be rearranging schedules, working around a college curriculum, or worrying about private or public transportation. In the scheduling of the activities to be carried out in a virtual internship the company must start from their needs, from the tutor's availability from the possibility of the same to control the activities that the intern will have to realize and will at the same time guarantee the trainee the possibility to carry on the own course of studies or other activities in which he is engaged.
The planning and scheduling in the realization of an online training activity are essential to obtain appreciable results. Obviously, among the objectives of the internship there is also the verification of the student's ability to know how to organize himself and therefore one of the evaluation criteria that the companies use to understand if an intern is ready or is suitable to work at his own company ability to self organize their work. On the other hand, the company in the phase of preparation of insertion paths will have to base itself on its own experience to define the times of realization of the activities that will have to realize the intern. In this context, tiling tools such as virtual platforms are extremely useful in defining the times and methods with which to carry out the internship. Only in a planned context does the intern succeed in expressing his talent and attitudes while in a confused situation he inevitably closes himself and abounding the path taken.
Internship to Industry. A Leonardo da Vinci Project
A previous description of activities makes clear the scheduling of activities