This section of the IWBLabs portal provides administrative information for the project contractual partners and for the European Commission and it is password protected.
"We invest in entrepreneurs who have revolutionary ideas, we do not make investments based on pre-existing theses in specific categories". So Andreessen Horowitz, one of Silicon Valley's most famous venture capital companies, presented the choices that finance companies will make in the coming years. Seeing how finance chooses its investment strategies makes us understand what the business development trend will be in the next future. How they will have to prepare and how they will have to be managed.
In the next few years it is expected that the investment choices of the finance companies will be directed to the following sectors:
Virtual reality
Sensors to be applied to anything, clothes, cars, electromedical bags, home and why not men.
Machine Learning and artificial intelligence that allows machines to learn from experience
Cyber Security
Green Energy
Waste management
Especially in Agrifood Sector the digital revolution led to a change in working method.
For example, sensors have already been used in vineyards for monitoring plants for a few years to plan treatments and to define the exact harvest time. The treatment is done today with drones; innovation in the packaging sector has led to an increase in product shelf-life; the traceability of products and the evidence on the label of the place of origin of the product protect Agrifood companies from the false products on the market and at the same time offer more guarantees to the final consumer; at he end the creation of a closed-loop transformation circuit through the use of robots almost completely eliminates the risks related to food safety.
In this context, every corporate function, especially in the old economy companies, will have to adapt to the changes in perspective that digital innovation has brought. The training process, the integration of workers in the company, job function, and even the place where carry out its activities will be subject to radical changes. In the first place it is necessary that every resource becomes flexible. Not in terms of cost but rather the ability to react quickly to a different work situation by identifying, thanks to the technology available, the most efficient solution.
To quickly adapt to this change in scenario it is sometimes necessary to reset what has been done right now to avoid not being ready for what the market requires. A revolution awaits businesses. New skills, new organizational forms, new markets, innovative approaches, new competitors and new tools await companies. Only through training will it be possible for traditional companies to compete with already digitized companies.
7 Reasons to Consider the Virtual Internship
wGU Indiana Online University
Virtual internship booklet for employers. Pdf format