Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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VET Institutions

This guideline provides the VET directors, administrative staff and trainers with specific suggestion on how to organise internships. The guideline covers topic such as: assessment, validation and certification of competences, skills and knowledge; planning, managing and monitoring of an internship; creation of fruitful cooperation with companies.
Table of Contents
2.4 Monitoring and Evaluation Introduction
2.4.2 Online monitoring

Monitoring is important to an intern's development and is an opportunity to identify strengths and weaknesses. It is helpful if tutors evaluate throughout the entire internship, not just at the end. The monitoring should be planned as a learning experience and an opportunity for two-sided feedback.

For an effective monitoring of the internship it is indispensable a collaboration between the VET Institution tutor and company tutor. In particular, it is necessary that the VET Institution and the company agree both the path and the monitoring tools to be adopted, as well as jointly verifying the effectiveness of the intervention.

The monitoring is managed by VET Institution tutor, who, although not directly and personally alongside the trainee for the entire duration of the internship, will ensure his virtual presence as a didactic-organizational manager of the internship activities.

Monitoring have to be integrate into all phases of the internship.

Initial: it is helpful to schedule a preliminary monitoring early in the internship. This will help the virtual tutor to understand whether the intern's orientation and training was sufficient or if there are specific areas in which the intern has questions or needs further training.

During: regularly scheduled evaluations help avoid common problems with internships including miscommunication and lack of specific goals and objectives.

Final: evaluation of the student's work, performance, and attitude is very important in awarding a final grade for the internship.

Criteria to consider when evaluating an intern:

  • Progress towards or accomplishment of learning objectives as stated in the

  • Learning agreement.

  • Skill development or job knowledge gained over the course of the internship.

  • Overall contribution to the mission of the organization.

  • Dependability, punctuality, attendance.

  • Relations with others, overall attitude.

  • Potential in the field.


Monitoring tools:

  • On-line questionnaires

  • Interviews web cam

  • Periodic reports

  • Evaluation forms

Online Resource

The monitoring plan
Guidelines on how to use the Learning Agreement for Traineeships.

Operative Tools

Training Toolkit - Evaluation - Forms and Questionnaires - I-TECH
These resources are sample evaluation forms and guides to adapt for your own use.

Intern assessment form
Example of form to provide the intern with feedback about the intern’s work and professional skills and competencies.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.