Lifelong Learning Programme

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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This guideline provides VET students with specific suggestions on how to participate in internships. It is advisable that VET trainers analyse the contents together with the students since the first steps of the organisation of the internship. The guideline covers topic such as: selection of the company; writing of the CV; behaviour rules in a company.
Table of Contents
1.4 Virtual Problems
1.4.6 The Matching Process

The company which is willing to host a trainee/employee typically posts its vacancy online to a recruitment company, or EURES portal, or uploads it on its own website, or on social media. Virtual platforms are used to match the company requirements and trainee’s skills and qualifications. The prospective traineeship provider describes the company, its mission, values, location, contact information and the responsibilities of a trainee, for example: You determine where the needs of the clients are situated and communicate this to the company manager, track industry trends and competitor activities and analyse those.

The traineeship provider sets different requirements for a traineeship candidate. The most typical are:

  • Professional or volunteering experience of the candidate,

  • Professional skills and their levels,

  • Background knowledge of the candidate,

  • Foreign language skills,

  • Digital skills,

  • Other skills,

  • Motivation,

  • Values,

  • Personal traits,

  • The expected traineeship duration and calendar etc.

Online tools offering different filters help select companies which take their interest. Having looked into the profile of the company and the position description, the candidate has to consider the requirements and reflect upon his/her own personality, skills and qualifications to decide whether he/she qualifies for the position. Also, it is important to understand whether traineeship in that company will be useful. If yes, a thorough research of the company shall be done. Then he/she applies for a placement sending his/ her targeted CV and cover letter online or by email.

A recommendation letter from the VET provider/ trainer or administrative staff/ can be asked, or they can be contacted directly.

Screening is followed by a job interview in order to make sure that the candidate matches the needs of the company, is able to perform the expected tasks and will give added value to the company.

As the final step in the matching process, the Traineeship Agreement is made in 3 copies and signed by the provider of the virtual traineeship, represented by the company manager, by the trainee and by the VET provider.

Online Resource

Data base of virtual/remote internships
A data base offered by companies in various industries: advertising, business, communication, design, development, education, health care, insurance, management, software, technology, and travel industry. Paid and unpaid virtual traineeships are offered.

Data base of a recruitment company
Date base of job seekers’ CVs is uploaded here, and companies are offered matching services.

Operative Tools

Online facility for the matching process
An example of the matching process for internship in Marketing is given. Firstly, 2 filters are used: key words for an internship title and position, marketing assistant, and the location where the candidate would like to carry out traineeship, for example, Dublin. Then “Find jobs” shall be clicked. Employers have posted their vacancies online. A list of opportunities appears. You can type your email address and job alerts are sent to you. Your online account is created automatically, and your email address is associated with your account. You can sign in with Google or Facebook. You can upload your targeted CV/resume or build it online. You can view and edit your CV online, or apply for a traineeship/ job with it. The online facility is used for the first stages in the matching process.

Matching the Traineeship Candidate and the Company
Mobile internship tools are given. Filters for the location and industry have to be used and then template “Discover Internship” should be filled in to start the matching process.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.